Seang Samey, male, 9 years old, with intellectual disability is living with his parent at Stany village, Svay Ath commune, Pursat city, Pursat province. He has one sister; he is the second son in the family. His parents separated 5 years ago and his mother is now working for a government factory.
It was notified that before Seang Samey admitted to the integrated class at Prey Nhi primary school in 2017, he faced many challenges. School didn’t accept him due to his disability, he had difficulty in speaking and doing daily living activities such as wearing clothes, bathing and learning. Moreover, he was discriminated by his neighbors as well as people in the communities. Community checklist and Individual Goal Setting were used to assess Seang Samey’s issues to improve his intellectual and communication.

Seang Samey faced many challenges before admitted to the integrated class at Prey Nhi primary school in 2017.
At Prey Nhi primary school; Seang Samey has received training on positive behavior, special education with special care, life skill training, nutrition, and referral for health care. He also was supported to attend many social activities such as children rehabilitation retreat, International Day event for People with Disabilities and lots of social interactions. The project also supported his family with basic needs such as water ceramic filter, mosquito net, blanket and hygiene materials.
We observed that Samey is very happy with his learning, his teachers and his classmates love him. Samey forget all the negative feelings that he had before. His intellectual and communication has significantly improved as he has a good communication with his family, his neighbors as well as the whole community. Everyone love him.

Samey is very happy with his learning.
In addition, Seang Samey has also much improvement on daily activities, positive attitude and he looks very healthy. He is helping family with some housework after school as well. At home, both his neighbors and the whole community value him now and regard him as other children in the village.
‘I am very happy in attending school, now I have a lot of friends and I can learn the same as other kids,’ said Samey.